A Fresh Perspective


The culture of a particular group consists of the ways in which the leadership validate and invalidate what people think, what they say and what they do to get their needs met, whilst they are part of that group.

To enrich a culture so that co-operative intelligence becomes the norm takes real skills in how to work effectively with people. Leaders are in a unique position to enrich a culture as they are key decision makers and can determine who gets validated for what. The Human Needs approach works with leaders to teach them the skills of enriching the culture in their organisation.

There will inevitably be cases where a leader observes an individual or an area of the business underperforming. In these cases the skilled leader can avoid an emotive blame culture that prevents learning and takes from the organisations ability to achieve its purpose. Knowledge and use of the HN ideas equips leaders with the skills of managing conflict and giving colleagues the opportunity to make a constructive contribution to the organisation’s purpose.

As human beings are a social species, it is impossible for us to thrive or function well long term in isolation because our highest form of intelligence, co-operative intelligence, requires an empathetic relationship with other people.

Developing these empathetic relationships that enrich culture is a learnable process. Human Needs can teach the key influencers in your workplace the dependable skills for bringing them about. These include:

  • The ability to identify and consider the needs of all stakeholders during important decisions. This improves relationships, activates higher motivation and enriches culture
  • Avoiding a blame culture to create a learning culture which gives rise to intelligent performance
  • Ensuring that all employees have meaningful work which aligns to the purpose of the company
  • Generating co-operative intelligence with staff and customers which enables more complex problems to be solved thus making a more valuable contribution to stakeholders

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