A Fresh Perspective


Motivation is hard wired into the biology of all living things. We are innately motivated to go into our environment to seek out what we need to thrive. This means that as a manager or leader, it is not your job to directly motivate another person. It is your job to influence your workplace culture so that people’s natural motivations can get expression through doing their work.

In order to work with motivation in others, it is necessary to first understand how the opportunity to get your own needs met through work fires your own motivation. In our workshops we teach the skills of creating the conditions that enable people to get their human needs met through their work and thus access their highest levels of motivation to ensure their best work performance.

A more in depth understanding of long lasting motivation brings clarity as to why some people are locked in strong emotion and resistant to change whilst explaining why others are embracing change and looking for opportunities for themselves and the organisation.

Whilst exploring the latest developments in this area with us you will:

  • Learn about the different human needs and how we are biologically motivated to get them met
  • Discover how emotional hijacking is the single biggest cause of poor decision making and how to recognise and avoid it in yourself and others
  • Practice the skills of tapping into employees highest levels of motivation which enables them to access their higher intelligence

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